A Passage to Bihar

Indo-Americans Against Terrorism

-Writes Priyank Jaiswal from Rice University, Houston, USA.

In a gathering of 600 people on 16th September 2001 at Mahatma Gandhi Center, Houston, the Indo-Americans proved their solidarity once again against the global terrorism. People from different sections of community and religious organizations got together and paid their homage to the deceased on the unfortunate incident of terrorist attacks on the 11th September at New Work. The meeting had begun with a small audio-visual playback of American National Anthem. Among the distinguished guests at the function were Hon. Sri Shankar Rao Chauhan and Council General Hon. Sri Rinzing Wangdi,

"We pray for George W. Bush, the congressmen, senators and all those who are in ruling front", said C. V. George from the Trinity Church. Continuing further he said " We pray for all those who are wounded and undergoing pain and agony. So it may be O Lord, as we kneel before you in surrender, through him who made it possible, we pray in Jesus precious name."

Expressing his agony, Gaurang Nanavati from Chinmay mission said "On Tuesday people were not able to accept the incident; by Wednesday though people had started accepting the reality and the only question that came into everyone's mind was - How could such a thing happen? Frustration has led to fear. This is where our scriptures tell us to pray and conquer our own fears. We should pray for the departed souls and for those who are leading this nation and making decisions."

Paying his homage, Dr Azimuddin said "We should always try to find, as individuals, what we can do to help the nation, It is need less to say that at this point we should not look around to find which religion propagates what . We all know that no religion teaches hatred, but all of them whom I have studied teach you to love your neighbors as well. We should get together and show solidarity for the land where we live."

Mr. Jagdeep Ahluwalia from Houston Sikh community said, "The last lines of our verse mean that in the name of Nanak we pray for the welfare of the whole humanity. Join me to pray for education, peace and awareness. The people who committed this brutal task were also human, so there must be something terribly wrong within us that caused the violence. Let us pray that the people of this country will have the wisdom, knowledge and courage to overcome this incident."

At the end, a short video was screened showing Prime Minister Sri Vajpayee condemning the brutal act and vowing against terrorism. People left the gathering with an elevated spirit and a sense of relief and tolerance. The program was made possible due to the initiative of Mr. Suresh Patel, Mr. Murli Teechchandani, Mr. Vrajesh Patel and Mr. Vijay Pallod. Mr. Amit Mishra was in the vanguard of the prayer meeting.