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BiharTimes Debate on Corruption
As elsewhere people in Bihar also took to streets to register their support for Anna Hazare’s fast-cum-fight. It is true that most of those who left their homes on August 16 and subsequent days have no idea at all about government’s Lokpal Bill or Jan Lokpal of Anna. Yet there is no denying the fact that they wanted to express their concern against rampant corruption in the country as well as the state.
Shopkeepers, students, doctors, social activists, other professionals all converged to Gandhi Maidan in Patna and in other cities and towns to record their voices against rampant corruption and loot as such.
There are no dearth of citizens in the country, who believe that Manmohan Singh himself is an honest man––perhaps more honest than many who are associated with Team Anna––yet at the same time they agree that he is a weak Prime Minister under whose nose all the scams took place. So individual good does not count much when you have been entrusted with such a great responsibility.
In the same way there is a general perception that notwithstanding some recent legislations––for example confiscation of house of corrupt officials––the disease continues to pose a big challenge to the society.
Sensing the seriousness of the issue BiharTimes has decided to offer a platform to debate the topic: “Is Corruption Declining In Bihar?”
Please send your view in 300 words. There should not be any personal attack and name calling in it.


Not doing fairness with one’s job is corruption. There are many types of corruption. In nutshell, to earn money through illegitimate means is corruption. There are tens of illegitimate means, top of them are bribery, cheating, stealing, pilfering, robbery and theft. Hence, if such situation comes the administration becomes inactive, weak and sick. This is known as corrupt administration.

If a man takes oath of earning money through legitimate means, i.e. not to eat Haram and is abide by it the corruption will be greatly minimized. In our society the difference between Halal (lawful) and Haram (unlawful) has fully disappeared.

Do we have any office working for educating people about Halal and Haram. Do we take action against those who were found eating Haram. Do the people hate people who eat Haram. Do the people refuse to accept invitation of those whose income is mainly based on Haram. We will certainly say “no”. If so, how we can see our society free from corruption.

Here I would like to ask our people why they expect everything from the government. There are a lot of people living in our societies who are living on Haram. It may be our relatives and friends. What action we have taken against them. Do we take any action that encourages them to do it? Instead, we are living and eating with them more happily than those who are living on Halal. So, such people are getting encouragement from us to continue living on Haram. If we are not taking Haram but we are certainly supporting Haram.

If our attitude is dirty, why we should blame the government only. We should blame us first. Government is made of people, not the people is made of government. If the ingredients are bad the products itself will be harmful.

Solution: People have to be honest and should hate dishonesty. How? There are many measures and at top are: (1) Educating them about goodness of honesty and evil of dishonesty(2) Punishing the culprits (3) Justice in prescribing punishment and justice in executing punishment order.

Gheyas Hashmi


First, let me define corruption. What type of problem it is- technical, political or economical?
In my view, it is rather a social problem and is rampant in every part of our society irrespective of creed, caste, status, education or any other criteria. I think corruption becomes gradually culture of our society and that we consider a natural anticipation. We make our principles and morals based on our benefits. Sometimes we castigate any politician because he is involved in any diabolical act and at the very next moment we praise him if we can get some advantage from his wrong doing.
Bihar also witnessed the same social problem. Corruption was not overdriven in one night and gradually became a part of culture. Right now (since 2004) nothing is changed except state leadership. We have best chief and deputy chief minister in Bihar but all the remaining machineries are same. This fact cannot attribute fast declining of corruption, although some exceptional brave and honest decision taken by government will prove a milestone in the long run (MLA fund, RTS, online detail of assets of minister). One prominent thing is private investment increasing in state with lot of young workforce participating. That will not only improve work culture within firm but also affect the external environment. Also education is going to play a major role in controlling corruption by improving awareness. We also observed some decision against big fished and court given order to confiscate illegal assets. Even there may be provision of monitoring of projects through satellites. If we talk about politician, now they have development agenda. They forgot about caste politics.
In the end, Rome was not built in a day and all evidences represent a silver lining in the dark cloud.
We will have a corruption free Bihar.

Ashish Kumar


Corruption since ages is like prostitution in Bihar---lubricating those practicing it not only morally corrupt but also massaging the whole body-politic of the state. However, in view of the homeopath Hazare’s heat now it apparently has come to its orgasmic best ready to penetrate and hold on…till the lights on! The molten wax of their crimson candle is the sign of their valor, vim, martyrdom…and yes, lost manhood.

Today, its fashionable, hep and jazzy to disrobe corruption and enjoy the spotlight. People with big-size goggles, designer summer cool caps and apparels, large size colourful-fashionable beads and bandanas with catchy slogans on the placards seems to have captured corruption and got its copy-right to play wherever and however they wish to play—either you’re for them or against them. Sounds [George] Bushy-Bossy!

Now, the debate is is corruption declining in Bihar? and, I just get confused. I’ve been reading and writing for long that corruption and Nitish Kumar are antonyms [yes, you heard it right they are not synonyms]. Hasn’t he unleashed a crackdown, a crusade, a war on corruption and hasn’t he taken many steps to eliminate it with an open declaration that either he will be finished off or get corruption finished?

The Bihar chief minister even supported Kisan Baburao Hazare aka Anna Hazare.

But, I’m confused thinking has the demonic corruption been beaten back with whatever Nitish Kumar claimed to have taken the steps and sticks?; can corruption be checked merely with declaring assets by babus and bureaucrats?; will right to service act prove to be a deterrent for corrupt officials?, or, will seizing properties symbolically be enough to check corruption in the state?

Till date not a single officer’s asset has been seized?, why politicians have been absolved from the provision of their properties being confiscated if found disproportionate or illegal?. Charity must begin at home!

We all know what is happening in Bihar today. Its all old wine in new bottle with lots and loads of marketing. Most of the lead actors running the show in the state today are age old familiar faces---missing is only someone with familiar ear-lobes, oversized kurta-pyajama, loud firman and fart, silver pikdaan and absolute rusticity with permanent courtiers sitting in horizontal harmony waiting for their turn to be heard and healed.

Sophistication is the buzz now. Everything being done is must done in corporate style and functioning. To feel good is to look good. Publicity is the mantra.

But, the Chief Operating Officer disguised as self claimed janata ka sevak must visit a government hospital, a govt. school, a police station or a sarkari office not outside but inside the state capital like a commoner and he would find out himself has corruption actually declined in Bihar or it has scaled up.

I donot know about him but people say it has gone up so much so up that has become unreachable for commoners like us. Me too have had the first-hand experience on some occasions! Sorry Hazare-ji…I did not know you at that time or you were not as much famous as you are today. It was before you lost five kgs.

Corruption in Bihar is religion. Bribing a kg of Tirupati ladoo to lord Hanuman at Mahavir Mandir and taking a dip into river Ganga devotees of the deity corruption just make their conscience clean and pure. And, from behind they also whisper: those in the power at the top too are quite religious in nature! Its all a matter of faith and convenience.

If not so, they ask, haven’t you read power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely? And, again they ask, if absolute power corrupts absolutely where does that leave those on top? Nitish Kumar may call me kill joy, cynical or spoilsport but sir, Corruption is an addiction in Bihar.

Meanwhile, I read somewhere John Steinbeck saying power does not corrupt, but fear corrupts…perhaps, the fear of a loss of power. The ghost of Steinbeck was last seen taking post-prandial walk through 1, Anne Marg!
Amarnath Tewary


It will be unfair to say that Bihar is corruption free state in the country but its very much true that this is perhaps first state which has shown will power to combat corruption at all level. No govt. or politician is having magic wand to check corruption, Children should be brought up in family and society with cultural and moral values to negate corruption.

Recent ‘Right to Service’ Act and confiscation of property of corrupt officer would certainly prove a strong deterrent. Use of technology in govt. deptt. And Jankari Centre (RTI) like innovations is great weapon in the hands of citizens of Bihar. This shows the govt. is inclined to control at all levels and the role of civil society and alert citizens and media is indispensible.

Vikas Singh


Ombudsman vs corruption

Definition of corruption

Corruption in government departments are usually only considered bribery, while the scope of corruption is widespread. If we don’t do our work properly, it will also come under purview of corruption. Today, corruption has become an integral part of our lives and we are all partners in it.

Spread of Corruption in India

life is dominated by corruption in the whole world from timeimmemorial. Our country is no exception. On the prevalence of corruption in recent years has gained vast. There have been so many scams that some of the new scandals don’t affect our emotions.
Layer of the scandal in the Commonwealth Games is still open. Note in exchange for votes scandal has reopened the case. MPs of Jharkhand Mukti Morcha Party had taken bribe to save the government. In this case the task of providing money to them, the then Petroleum Minister, Shri Satish Sharma was
taken. Mr. Sharma for this generosity was shared with the Essar and Reliance's oil wells. With the Chinese mafia is known nexus with Kalpanath Rai and Sharad Pawar. Veteran Congress leader Ramlakhan Singh Yadav’s son Shri Prakash Chandra Yadav was involved in Fertilizers scams. In this scam 133 crores were in use, while the company had imported fertilizer Carson of Turkey. Which one has ever come to India. The whole game was played on paper. In this case, Mr. Prabhakar Rao, PV Narasimha Rao's son was also involved.
Bofors scandal's Box again and again is being opened by opposition. In this case, the deceased Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was accused of involvement. Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao was involved in 1995 Hawala case, 15 of his Cabinet ministers were also named in that case. Father of the story Mr SK Jain caught red-handed & later on freed unblemished.
Harshad Mehta scam, fodder scam, the scam done by Koda, including scandal in mining at Karnataka is a long series in this regard. Today in the common life, it has been found that no one can claim that they
are not corrupt. From Peon to Prime Minister are involved in this bloody corruption. Businessmen and corporate groups are leader in this perspective.

The way money makes money. Similarly, an increase in corruption is again boosting up corruption. But corruption is nothing to any of the warped nature. Every moment of our routine, we would like to take unfair advantage. For Ten to twenty Rupees, selling your faith has become common today. To see it like that every person is intent on doing harm to others for their own benefit.

Anna’s Ombudsman Bill:

Main attractions of the Bill are as follows -:

• Prime minister will also come under purview of Ombudsman. Action against him will be taken on the consent of seven-member bench of the Ombudsman.
• Ombudsman to take action against judges for seven-member bench of the agreement will be required.
• To take action against Member of Parliament the above process will recur.
• All government employees and officials will be in scope.
• CBI proposed in the Bill is to merge with the Ombudsman.
• Ombudsman found against the employer and the officers complain will be settled by an independent body, which comprises members of civil society, retired administrative officer and Judges.
• At the state level will continue to work as before Lokayukta appointed.
• Ombudsman shall have the right to make the quantum of sentence against the guilty. Under it found a corrupt person can hear imprisonment and financial penalties. At the same time will give an order to seize his property.
• Ombudsman against corruption or against alleged false complain, Ombudsman will put a million of economic penalties.
• Broadly, the Ombudsman will investigate all forms of corruption.

Anna's anti-corruption movement:

Against Anna’s arrest and in favor of his movement, in a sporadic manner, asilent movement is going on in Patna, Bhopal, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nasik and Pune along with Delhi.
In the creation of a great atmosphere against corruption, role of congress is better than Anna. The battle between Anna's Group vs. the Congress, arrest of Anna is one the entire opposition. But neither in the interest of any political party nor Ombudsman to eliminate corruption Bill passed in Parliament.

In the back of Anna, the crowd thronging the lower and middle class people only. Some of the political party worker can not be denied. The crowds, who are having fun, know nothing about ombudsman nor anything to do with corruption. Number of students in the crowd on the baking - can not clean. For admission to Delhi University recently, the way students had taken the wrong way, is well known.
Interestingly, Anna has requested women to watch their husbands from the Ram Lila grounds movement. If they bring home more money from income must then question him. Anna's statement reflects the severity of corruption.

Comparing Anna’s Movement with JP Movement:

Media is nowadays comparing Anna’s Movement with Jayprakash Narayan’sSampoorn Kranti revolution, while such comparisons are meaningless. In June 25, 1975, JP had addressed to his supporters at the Ramlila Grounds against the Emergency imposed by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi for a larger movement. JP’s opponent was in front of him. His fight was against oppression, while Anna’s movement was against corruption issues.

Ombudsman versus corruption:

Obviously the proposed Prevention of Corruption Ombudsman Bill is believedto be the greatest weapon, while this is half truth. Government institutions are bringing in the periphery of the Ombudsman, but how to troubleshoot corruption in the private sector or how the communication of our inner piousness inside, Anna group is silent on such issues.
Mere brining the Prime Minster, MP’s and Judges in the net of Ombudsman will control corruption is surely questionable. In fact, corruption has become incurable disease has spread to our entire society. Today it is just like a business. It to the cart and street vendors - in the neighborhood are being bought and sold and we whole-heartedly like it.
The crowd in front of Anna – who are moving back and put his hand on the heart, can not say that they are honest. The objectives of Ombudsman are people oriented. It is natural to be connected with the masses. But to say that this could be the end of corruption would be wrong.

The solution of corruption:

People are not even honest, but they expect from others are positive. Thesefactors are bound to be conflict.
The biggest problem today is the government's discretionary power. Every variety of such a decision is required to be in control. Licensing system may also be useful to end it.
At last, every person in the most important steps to be personally honest.



*Mr. Satish Singh is working as an officer in the State Bank of India in Delhi & for last two years he is doing freelance writing.






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